Sunday, December 15, 2013

Configuring and Using a sample HR application in alfresco Workdesk

Once we have configured alfresco workdesk with local alfresco CMIS adaptor then we need to run the installer or install-workdesk-hr.bat(For windows) for importing the HR data model in local alfresco repository.

Note : This installer is available only in community edition package.

Assuming that you have alfresco community edition package.Extract it and Goto location (Delivery)\bin\Sample Application\Human Resources Application\ and run the command.

sudo sh -ap <alfresco_path> -u <alfresco_user_name> -p <alfresco_password>

Note: Use administrative credentials.

Once it is done hit the URL http://localhost:8080/workdesk.You can see the login page as below.

Log in with admin credentials.You can see the home page as following.
Here on top all the tabs "Dossiers","Browse","Settings" ... are displayed .Now click on browse tab.Here left side all the by default created dossiers are listed.On right side it is displaying all the content of the highlighted Dossier.On first column it is displaying all the actions which can be taken on the document.
Please refer the below image.The columns displayed on right side can be configured using settings for each tab.

Creating Dossier.Click on Dossier tab and click on "Create New Dossier" icon.Fill up the required data and click on save.Please refer the below image for reference.

Add HR documents to specific dossier.Click on Dossier(register mode) then click on specific dossier.Now click on "Add new HR documents" icon and upload the document.We can also edit the metadata of the document.

Now click on search tab.Here we can search the documents based on provided metadata.For example "Find Dossiers(By Knowledge)".
We can also set the search limit. Please refer the below image.

Configuring the colums displayed in tabs using settings.We can also set the inital sorting on which metadata and on which order.Please refer the below image.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Installing and Using Alfresco WorkDesk

Alfresco has launched the new product named as "Alfresco Workdesk" which is a browser-based application designed to streamline business processes associated with loans, claims, applications, invoices, and cases. Here I have described few easy and necessary steps to install it.Just follow it and then start to play with it.
Download the alfresco work Desk from the alfresco site.Extract it.
Copy the (Delivery)/bin/workdesk folder under Tomcat/webapps/* folder.
Then start the tomcat server.
By default the context path for workdesk application is "workdesk".
Open URL "http://localhost:8080/workdesk"
By default dummy ECM adapter is configured which uses online alfresco repository.
We can see the alfresco workdesk basic functionalities using this application.

Now let’s configure workdesk with alfresco ECM adaptor.
1) Copy the required jar files of CMIS and alfrescobpm to workDesk/WEB-INF/lib file.
Copy the jar files from (Delivery)\libs\cmis to workDesk/WEB-INF/lib.
Copy (Delivery)\libs\alfrescobpm to workDesk/WEB-INF/lib:
2) Swithching ECM adaptor.By default dummy ECM adaptor is configured.
Modify the web.xml file which located at (workdesk)/WEB-INF/web.xml as described below.
Comment the line <!--<param-value>deploy#WEB-INF/conf/dummy</param-value>-->
Uncomment the following line for CMIS and workdesk community :
Uncomment the following line for CMIS:
3) Configuring ECM Adaptor for CMIS:
-configure the CMIS Web services of the underlying CMIS-compliant ECM system in
owbootstrap.xml located at workdesk/WEB-INF/conf/cmis_prof.
Modify your server name and port as following :
<ClassName>com.wewebu.ow.server.ecmimpl.cmis.OwCMISNetwork </ClassName>
<WSDLRepository>http://server:port/cmis/RepositoryService?wsdl </WSDLReposito
<WSDLNavigation>http://server:port/cmis/NavigationService?wsdl </WSDLNavigation>
<WSDLObject>http://server:port/cmis/ObjectService?wsdl </WSDLObject>
<WSDLMultifiling>http://server:port/cmis/MultiFilingService?wsdl </WSDLMultifiling>
<WSDLDiscovery>http://server:port/cmis/DiscoveryService?wsdl </WSDLDiscovery>
<WSDLVersioning>http://server:port/cmis/VersioningService?wsdl </WSDLVersion>
<WSDLRelationship>http://server:port/cmis/RelationshipService?wsdl </WSDLRelationship>
<WSDLPolicy>http://server:port/cmis/PolicyService?wsdl </WSDLPolicy>
<WSDLACL>http://server:port/cmis/ACLService?wsdl </WSDLACL>
4) Do the Database configuration. Execute the following sql script in mysql db.
1) Use the supplied batch file to create the Alfresco Workdesk database and all database tables:(For windows)
Alternatively, use the following script to create the Alfresco Workdesk database:(For Linux)
2) Use the following scripts to create every Alfresco Workdesk table manually:
(Delivery)\db\scripts\OwMySQL_CreateDBHistoryManagerTable.sql *
(Delivery)\db\scripts\OwMySQL_CreateDBRoleManagerTable.sql *
3) Put the mysql connector jar at location /Tomcat/lib for creating JDBC provider.
4) Configure JDBC provider.
1.Edit the configuration file (Delivery)\db\tomcat\META-INF\context.xml by uncommenting the Mysql part block.
2. Change path value in the <Context> element to the value of the web application context root of your Alfresco Workdesk deployment, that is "workdesk".
3. Provide value for the parameters username, password and url in the configuration file to the values of your database server.
4. Create a new folder META-INF in your Alfresco Workdesk deployment if it does not exists, that is,0 (workdesk)\META-INF.
5. Copy the edited configuration template (Delivery)\db\tomcat\META-
INF\context.xml to (workdesk)\META-INF.
6.Create the required database tables if they don’t exist already.
Note : Make sure you entered the correct value for <JNDIName> in owbootstrap.xml, section <DefaultDataSource>. It has to be exactly the value of the name parameter from the <Resource name=”java:/JNDIName”...> tag of the copied context.xml configuration file.
Now Restart the tomcat server.Then hit the url http://localhost:8080/workdesk .